I'm Jane!I'm a personal trainer, health coach, and wellness consultant guiding people to live a positive, successful, and healthy life.
I am passionate about helping both Personal and Corporate clients embrace a healthier lifestyle focusing on mind, body, and soul. Inspiring others to shine bright through healthy living is my core mission. |
Let's Connect On Social Media
Spitfire Training offers programs for Businesses and Individuals
"I think I can, I think I can"
Beyond the Scale-
Train Your BrainStrategies for a sharper mind.
Mindset, Motivation, & MomentumThree keys to unlocking behavior change.
Summer Self-CareNature's Way!
Trifecta of HealthMind, Body, & Soul.
The Power of NowTomorrow is not guaranteed.
Practice the PauseYour body and mind will thank you!
It's Not Exercise If It's FunSummer is here. Have no fear!
2022 - Q2
Oops, I Did It AgainLessons to learn from other failed resolutions.
2022 - Q1
Navigating the Holiday Season The Healthy Way to Holiday.
2021 - Q4
Find Your WhyBe true to yourself when making health goals.
2021 - Q3